EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
       not safe shepherds of flock 5T 412
       not safe to place in offices of leadership 5T 412
    persons who condemn, do it because it gives feeling of security in sinful course 1SM 45-6
    plain and pointed, disregarded by some believers 5T 46
    regarded as idle tales LS 199-200;2T 606;5T 666;
    rejection of: because some sinful habit is condemned by them 4T 32
       because they specify sins of which rejecters are guilty 1SM 47
       by false prophet 2SM 81
       by some leaders of church TM 341-2
       certain ruin brought upon offender by 5T 678
       dangerous sophistry that leads to 5T 690
       God is slighted and insulted by 5T 234-5
       God is rejected by 5T 623, 688
       lack of moral courage causes 5T 675
       Spirit is insulted by 5T 64
       untrue excuses offered by some people for 4T 32;5T 675;
    rejecters of, God rejects 5T 72
    some SDA will deny truth of 1SM 41
    trampled underfoot by some believers in Battle Creek 4T 517
    warning to persons rejecting LS 324-5;TM 466;