EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Testimonies given through Ellen G. White   [610]
    expressions in, taken in too strong a light 5T 623
    give light re family duties 4T 390-1
    given chiefly for believers TM 34-5
    God has shaped, to meet cases needing help 2T 607-8;5T 667;
    God is testing His people by means of 5T 72
    God seeks by simple and direct, to reach His people because of their neglect of His Inspired Book 2T 605;5T 665;
    God speaks to His people through GW 308;3T 257;4T 12-3, 148;5T 67;8T 298;
    God uses other means than, to point out errors in church 2SM 81
    God’s love, mercy, and care for His people shown in giving 2T 483;5T 662;
    God’s purpose in giving LS 198-200;2T 605-7;4T 14-5;5T 661-3;
    have no weight with people who know nothing of their spirit 5T 669
    immortalized 1SM 57
    instructions in: for all God’s people SD 178
       for backslider and sinner 2T 608
       for meeting almost every case and circumstance 4T 390-1
    knowledge given in 4T 391;5T 681;
    letters, written at midnight, crossed continent to save God’s cause in crisis 5T 65, 671
    linked providentially with work of third angel’s message from its rise 5T 654
    man cannot overthrow, if their work is of God 4T 238
    messages from God are given in 1SM 32