EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Third angel’s message EW 254-61, 277-82;GC 432-50;SR 379-84;    [610]
       as plain and pointed testimony 1T 248-9
       in clear and distinct lines TM 93
       in connection with first and second CD 209
       in forceful manner Ev 38
       in simplicity MM 299
       law and gospel together in GW 161
       so right impressions are made 6T 131
    presentation of: is highest and greatest work for this time MM 188
       is to be greatest work in world 6T 11
       manner of CW 27
    presentation of health principles must be united with CW 139
    presentation of health principles must not be independent of CD 75;CM 138;CW 139;
    presentation of health principles must not in any way take place of CD 75;CM 138;CW 139;
    presents truth as it is in Christ TM 93
    principles of health reform should be presented with TM 416
    print publications re, in many languages 4T 79
    proclaim, so that all world may hear it CM 145
    proclaims commandments of God and faith of Jesus 8T 77
    progress and triumph of SD 207
    prophecy of, explained GC 438-50