EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Thought, Thoughts   [628]
    sluggish, indulgence of appetite causes 4T 454
    spiritual, give yourself to culture of GW 274
    stormy and unreasonable, disciples troubled by DA 380
    that have controlling power on character TM 388
    that invalids should resist 2T 535
    unhappy, probationary time should not be spent in thinking 3T 332-3
    unholy: defile temple of heart DA 161
       instantly repel every 5T 177
       you may close every door to, by prayer SC 99
    unkind, evil of giving loose rein to 7BC 937
    vain, men are responsible to God for indulging 3T 82
    vigorous, reading that disqualifies mind for MYP 280
    vigorous and connected, how mind loses power of Ed 189
    vile, suit minds of children given to self-abuse 2T 481
       truth in heart restrains ML 207
    vulgar, avoid AH 438
    when harassed with evil, flee to Christ for relief and succor 2T 93
    woman whose principal, were for self 3T 330
    worldly, soul is imperiled by 4T 286
    wrong, produce wrong feelings 5T 310