EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Time, Times   [612]
    minister’s, is either devoted to God’s cause or it is not 2T 623
    ministers need, to rest 7T 250
    ministers should rise early and economize 2T 500
    much may be done in short, by working as Christ did CW 107;Ev 565;
    persons loving truth economize 1T 324
    persons who have no, to dissect character or surmise evil 8T 82-3
    plan how to use, to secure best results COL 344
    portion of, should be spent in physical labor ML 144
    privilege and duty of all to give, to God’s service COL 343
    proper, to speak and act 3T 110
    redeem, by laboring all the more earnestly for God CH 556
    redeemed by making most of that which remains COL 342
    redeeming, by making wrongs right 5T 349-54
    sacredly devote your, to God PP 187
    seek to redeem MYP 301
    set apart certain, for performing each duty SD 114
    should be consecrated to God 1T 511
    solemn obligation to improve, to God’s glory COL 342
    spare, ways to improve 4T 412
       youth’s duty re use of 1T 503