EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Time, Times   [612]
       is day of God’s preparation 5T 118
       one of greatest consequence to whole world CW 21
       one of overwhelming interest to all living Ed 179;MM 333;
       solemnity of Ed 183
       some of God’s people do not realize significance of EW 48
    probation lengthened that men may have, to perfect character 4T 306-7
    prophetic See Prophetic period; Prophetic time
    rapidly passing CH 546;MM 242, 249, 332;
       and much needs to be done AA 159
       into eternity AA 566;6T 481;
    remaining, is too brief a span Ed 184
    right, essence of all right faith is to do right thing at 6T 24
    sacred, robbing God of His 4T 247, 250
    sands of, fast running out 2SM 376
    setting See Time setting
    SDA should not employ, largely in establishing certain institutions FE 488-9
    short, great work must be done for God in CS 44;CT 527;CW 21;ML 133;MM 305;
    shortness of: duty of God’s people in view of 4T 306
       education should be carried forward with full sense of FE 369
       education that SDA schools should give in view of FE 488