EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Tongue, Tongues accusing, Christ lifts souls above MH 90    [153]
    converting power needed for UL 298.6
    defects of brethren revealed with HP 178.4
    discipline, by disciplining the mind OHC 291.3
    disciplined through the religion of Christ RC 293.3
    duty to bridle; resist melancholy feelings 2MCP 410.0
    education/training of,
       and all else 2MCP 666.1
       for words of courage VSS 156
       to begin with self RC 283.2
       to courteous, sympathetic words, not complaint RC 285.5
       to words that bless instead of discourage HP 175.5
    evil work by, grieves the Holy Spirit VSS 18.1
    evil, works at cross purposes with God HP 174.4
    exaggeration of everything evil by some HP 178.3
    gift of, conversion by preaching Christ not by RC 256.3
    God wants to sanctify our TMK 191.6
    good from, if heart is pure VSS 20.3
    guard communication of, and receive Godly wisdom OHC 337.4
    Holy Spirit,
       always to control LHU 148.2