EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Treasure, Treasures
time and strength expended to secure
4T 43-4
transfer your, to heaven
2T 244
will be destroyed in great conflagration
4T 49
all: brought within our reach and waiting our demand
5T 260
given to man in gift of Christ
8T 26
beyond estimate is within reach of all
5T 262
cannot be lost in earthly disaster
2BC 1026
contemplation of, you are supremely rich in
CS 84
earthly investments draw men’s minds away from
2T 197
failure of people in different enterprises to value
2T 195-6
greater, distributing to the needy brings
3T 249-50
men must sacrifice the earthly in order to secure
2T 193
men will receive, according to their investment in heavenly stock
4T 119
neglect of opportunities to secure
3T 250