EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Tree, Trees   [249]
       words of counsel and advice uttered by CT 189
    lofty and varied, testify of God’s love and care 8T 325
    lofty and wide-spreading, wrapped within tiny seed MH 397
    lovely, given to man by God 2T 588
    medicinal properties in 2SM 301
       noble: Assyria’s glory likened to PK 362-3
       Christ’s love expressed by DA 516
       God has given to man MYP 365;2T 588;
       God has planted AH 502
    witness to recompense decreed by God’s grace Ed 104
    of desert, symbolizes what God would have His people be in world Ed 116
    of forest: Adam’s sin has affected Ed 27
       as gaunt skeletons during drought of Elijah’s time PK 124
       Christ communed with God amid Ed 185;MH 52;
       not caused to grow in regular order AH 154
       testify of God’s care SC 10
       theme for study 4T 581
    of mountainside near Sea of Galilee, Sermon on Mount was given beneath MH 52-3
    on earth at creation ML 175;PP 44;3SG 33;SR 20;
       Adam and Eve had sanctuary under DA 290