EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Tree of life   [129]
       united at top in one tree EW 17;LS 67;2SG 34;1T 61;
    type of Christ MM 233
    victors over sin will be given access to 8T 125
    vigor imparted by PP 50
    why Adam and Eve were not permitted to eat of, after they sinned EW 51, 125-6;GC 533;PP 60;TM 134;
    widespread tree ML 355
    yields fruit every month AH 542;CT 63;GC 675;SR 431;
       came to show He planted, for healing RC 51.6
       leads the redeemed company to HP 216.5, 369.2
    Christ’s teachings as leaves of UL 136.4
    eat leaves of,
       now UL 224.2
       to gain spiritual life TDG 12.2
    fruit of, perpetuates immortality UL 125.3
    leaves of, workers in God’s service to eat UL 258.5
    live forever eating from LHU 156.7
    overcomer receives, as reward for conquest TDG 178.3
    praise God for UL 292.2
    preventing access to, protects from immortal sin Con 15.2