EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Trust abiding and peaceful, life in Christ should be SC 70    [133]
    See also Confidence; Faith; Self-trust
    Barak lacked, although God called him RC 329.4
    begin a life of simple OHC 119.3
    belief does not require, but faith does 3SM 192.1
    betrayal of sacred, by violating truth to gain favor TDG 284.4
    childlike, OHC 326.5;UL 176.6;
       for happiness now and eternal life TDG 310.3
       in Christ’s merits UL 295.8
       needed to enter heaven TMK 231.3
       asks you to put, in Him who loves and forgives you TDG 313.4
       awards, of His people at second advent 2MCP 531.1
       invites TSB 258.3
       loves those with, in Him TDG 313.2
       not humans to be accorded TDG 108.6
       saves to the uttermost those with, in Him 3SM 148.2
       shown as worthy of OHC 65.3;TMK 142.2;
       strengthens believers as they put, in Him TMK 78.4
       avoid worry HP 113.3