EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Trust abiding and peaceful, life in Christ should be SC 70    [133]
    today helps meet trials tomorrow OHC 326.5
    trial develops,
       by God’s leading RC 349.3
       less in own judgment TDG 306.5
    unwavering, of Ellen White under perplexing circumstances TDG 191.6
       in, we realize Christ’s presence in the valley 2MCP 811.2
       with God as a child with CC 28.4
       with Jesus in, as a child in the dark TMK 250.2
       with Jesus in, safety is in TDG 57.4
    work to be continued in, remembering source of worthiness OHC 344.5
    worthy of, privilege of proving OHC 40.6
    See also Rest