EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Truth, Truths   [2580]
       in the Word of God HP 133.2
       refuse to sell, for any price OHC 34.8
       sanctifies and refines OHC 212.6
       tarnished by evil practices TMK 233.5
    tree of life with leaves for the human family UL 125.5
    triumph of,
       coming UL 262.2
       depends on influence of those who believe it TDG 102.2
       Ellen White determined to triumph with 3SM 178.3
       over falsehood,
at Christ’s death RC 60.3
at last FLB 72.2
       possible only when God’s presence sensed TDG 13.2
       when presented in righteousness and love RC 240.7
       when the Spirit cooperates the humble Bible student OHC 207.4
       will soon come UL 88.2
    troubles mind when working only on conscience 1MCP 324.3, 325.0
    turned to a lie UL 317.3
    turning a fellow being from TDG 96.4
    turning from, See Truth, rejection of