EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Truth, Truths   [2580]
    unchanged, throughout the Bible TMK 197.2
    undermined by theories UL 88.2
    understanding of,
       better in simplicity HP 139.2
       by cherishing thoughts of Christ LHU 237.4
       by investigation and closeness to God TMK 205.2
       by studying God’s Word 1MCP 93.2
       comes with a change of heart 1MCP 95.1
       discipline and interest for 1MCP 95.2
       divided if Ellen White writings accepted according to opinion 3SM 79.3
       expands; it is divine like its Author 3SM 188.2
       full, not possible Mar 365.6
       given to be agents for God TDG 51.2
       importance of HP 140.5;OHC 62.4;RC 101.6;
       impossible for those refusing self-denial TMK 254.3
       limited by previous teaching LHU 259.3
       lost when turning from Christ TDG 311.2
       needed by experience TMK 340.3
       sanctification possible with HP 145.2
       thankfulness to God for ones with 1MCP 41.3