EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Truth, Truths   [2580]
or receive TMK 171.2
leagued against, because it does not want to obey TMK 116.4
perishing for, OHC 208.2;RC 111.2;
Christ is the truth LHU 106.4
       is waiting to hear HP 340.2
       not a model for responding to LHU 139.6
       sees transforming process of OHC 34.3
       warned by those sanctified by TDG 349.6
       would have heard, had counsel been followed FLB 288.2
    worldly things lose attraction when accepting LHU 360
    written by Ellen White to preserve knowledge of pioneers TDG 126.2
       to, to receive greater light TDG 135.3
       up, See Truth, rejection of
       will and habits to receive OHC 152.2
    yoke broken by living, obeying and teaching the, in love TDG 224.3
    youth to be trained to represent, giving reason for faith CET 204.1
    zeal for, lost in following fashions TDG 349.2
    See also Evidence; Gospel; Light; Message; Mercy, message of; Principles; Realities; Messages; Seventh-day Adventists, beliefs of; Traditions; Word of God, truths of