EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Virtue, Virtues active, must be cultivated MH 497;5T 404;    [54]
    duty of intelligent souls to practice TDG 34.4
    effort required to attain PM 133.0
    failure and infirmity regarded as, by self-centered soul OHC 315.4
    human, not needed in Christ’s intercession TMK 73.4
    humanity gains, only through Christ TMK 21.5
    invigorated by exercise UL 370.5
    Joseph responded when tempted to turn from RC 307.5
    mature amid clouds of darkness TDG 47.5
    progress in, adding graces through Christ 1MCP 94.3
    rewarded by its reproduction in others HP 196.6
    seek; have a submissive spirit TDG 243.2
    strengthened by resistance to temptation OHC 361.4
    students to learn; pure thoughts and clean minds 1MCP 11.2
    thoughts of youth to be sanctified by 1MCP 366.0