EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Voice, Voices   [310]
    of duty, God requires man to obey 1SM 28;5T 69;
       is voice of God CH 562;TM 402;
    of many waters, Creator’s voice heard in AA 572
    of stern rebuke will be heard in populous cities PK 187
    one man’s: is not voice and judgment of Gen. Conf. 3T 493
       should never be allowed to become controlling power MM 165
       should not be that of the whole in God’s work TM 216
    parents should keep control of their, in disciplining children CG 254
    perfection of, urge on every student to seek Ev 668
    person defective in, need not remain so FE 214
    persuasive power is given to, by Christ’s peace in heart MH 512;6T 47;
    physician’s MM 149
    power of, is not what makes lasting impression 1T 645
    powerful faculty for good if not perverted 4T 605
    preacher should not shout with, as through trumpet Ev 184
    present truth in such manner with, that it will carry weight with hearers CW 22
    right use of: greatly neglected COL 335
       in prayer CT 241-3, 245
       in public meetings CT 246
       in social meeting CT 245