EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Vow, Vows baptismal See Baptism   [41]
    marriage See Marriage
    Nazarite See Nazarite
    need of paying 5T 281-5
    neglected, among professed Christians 4T 468
    of allegiance to God: renewed by Israel on Mt. Moriah PK 37
       encouragement for persons who seek to renew PK 334
    of Ananias and Sapphira See Ananias and Sapphira
    of church membership pledge believers to be co-workers with Christ CT 466
    of consecration to God, gospel workers should renew every morning their AA 56
    of obedience to God, Adam and sons made PP 62
    person who has made, no longer has right to consecrated portion 5T 149
    repudiation of 5T 282
    sacred, taken by believers with church DA 822
    sacredness of 4T 462-76;5T 149, 283-4;
       made under Spirit’s influence AA 74
       need of understanding 6BC 1056
    secret society’s, Christ never leads His followers to take Ev 620
    solemn, every person uniting with church makes 5T 460
       renewed and kept through strength gained by earnest prayer SL 11
    to give means to God’s cause, importance of keeping CS 312-4