EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Water, Waters   [227]
    one of heaven’s choicest blessings MH 237
    one of nature’s own furnished remedies 2SM 287-8
    people cannot keep well who are not careful to get MM 226
    quench thirst with CD 420;Te 101;
    thousands have died for want of CD 419;CH 55;2SM 456;
    use of, would prevent much suffering ML 139
    use wisely, to prevent disease 1T 491
    vital organs are invigorated by ML 139
    within reach of all 2SM 287
       at little expense 5T 443
    young women who think that they are invalids should drink freely of MM 106-7
3. Literal (soft)
    afflicted persons benefited by ML 139
    as remedy for disease 2SM 456
    bathing in, helps remove poisons from system CH 62
       treatment for disease by 2SM 446
    beneficial to health CH 62
    best for: bathing CD 419;CH 56;2SM 456;
       drinking CD 419;CH 56;2SM 456;
       making rolls CD 108, 320