EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealth (riches)   [407]
    greatest danger in gaining; (fortune) HP 243.3
    Holy Spirit does not consider, when petition is brought RC 285.4
    infinite (eternal life), on simple conditions 3SM 150.4
    interest in quick, brings dissatisfaction TDG 280.5
    interpreted as gift of prosperity OHC 189.3
    judgment not affected by FLB 207.6
    kindness not to be based on HP 287.4
    lent from God to use in His service OHC 189.4
    life’s best things not dependent on TMK 85.4
    loss of,
       Creator can repay faithful servants for OHC 193.6
       possible in this world, or in both worlds OHC 195.4
    love of, snare to those naturally selfish or covetous OHC 189.3
    Paul turned from, to connect with Christ’s people OHC 363.2
    plans to gain, center anxiety and interest on world TMK 223.3
    poor people may have HP 367.3
    poverty relieved by those with RC 227.3
    principle as well as interest of, demanded by God’s cause RC 269.3
    purpose in, not to be our trust, god or saviour RC 269.2
    redeemed have, that the world cannot give OHC 39.4