EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealthy person, Wealthy persons   [291]
    power of, would become monopoly without restraint PP 534
    prayers needed by MH 212
    present truth to 9T 101
    pretending to be, not best AH 384
    purse of, that opens and closes spasmodically 1T 475
    responsibilities of, in their stewardship 2T 659
    restlessness among, cause of 2T 529
    riches of, cannot hide from God their smallest sin CS 153
    riches not obtained honestly by all Ev 564
    risk which should not be run by 4T 480
    sacrificing for God’s cause should not be done solely by 1T 115
    salvation of, decided personal effort must be put forth for 6T 80-2
    sanitariums are not to be established among 7T 88-9
    seek to outdo one another in conforming to ever-varying styles Ed 246
    selfishness of, grows more and more apparent and oppressive GC 279
    SDA have right to ask help of, in miss. work MM 329
    should not be content in merely giving of money for God’s cause CS 288
    sickness among, common cause of 2T 529
    solicitation of donations from CS 187-8;Ev 88;TM 197;WM 280-3;
    soul of, Christ paid purchase money for 2SM 343