EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealthy person, Wealthy persons   [291]
    Spirit will move, to open doors for gospel’s advancement 9T 114
    strength should be used wisely by FE 419
    study Bible with 6T 257
    suspicion and hatred of the poor toward, principles that would prevent PP 536
    talents of ability among, should be used for God CS 288
    temptation of: to employ means in self-indulgence CS 155
       to exalt self 7T 88
       to indulge every wish for grandeur WM 173
       to indulge in selfishness and avarice CS 74
       to use means for embellishment of homes CS 155
       to use means for personal adornment CS 155
       to withhold from God His own CS 74
    temptations of, 100 times more delusive than those of the poor WM 176
    test of love of, for God 2T 680
    things which, cannot use to secure happiness Ev 556
    through God’s grace, can enter His kingdom DA 555
    time should be used wisely by FE 419
    tithing regarded by, as severe and unjust tax 3T 403
    tithing system carried out faithfully by, results of 3T 409
    treat poor and, alike with unvarying kindness MM 205