EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wealthy person, Wealthy persons   [291]
    bad example of, in extravagance in dress 4T 631
    Bible does not condemn, because he is rich CS 138
    cannot keep riches and enter heaven 2SG 242;1T 172;
    casual and accidental touch cannot draw, to Christ MH 213;6T 80;
    character develops in, after manner in which they use entrusted gifts CS 133
    child training by AH 389-90
    Christ brought joy to WM 26
    Christ’s lessons for 1T 539-40
    claims of humanity overlooked by, in ambition to get wealth 1T 480;6T 256;
    close and acquisitive spirit of, class who do not manifest CS 177
    consistent faith is rare among CS 152;2T 663;
    contempt of, for working classes PP 50
    conversion of, in God’s providence 2SG 244
    covetousness excites hatred of the poor against PP 497
    cruel and evil working against, will be seen 8T 50
    danger to which, are especially exposed MH 211-2;6T 256-7;
    deception that easily steals upon 1T 541
    difference should be made in prices by, for the afflicted, widows, and worthy poor 2SG 235
    distinctions in favor of, ministers warned against making 1T 475
    do not deprive, of place among world’s workers FE 419