EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (biographical data)   [1230]
       June 3: Test. written by, re Spirit striving with many hearts LS 412
       June 7: attended meeting in Hot Springs Park at Calistoga, Calif. Ev 405
       June 14: attended meetings in Hot Springs Park in Calistoga, Calif. Ev 405
       June 20: Test. written by, re judgments of God in the land LS 412
       June 25: Test. written by, at St. Helena, Calif., to sanitarium physicians and entitled “The Work for This Time” 8T 195-200
       July 5: Test. written by, at Sanitarium, Calif., entitled “Sanitariums Needed in Washington and Other Places” CH 448
       Aug. 3: Test. written by, re false report attributed to her re destruction of New York City LS 411-12
       Aug. 4: Test. written by, at St. Helena, Calif., to leaders in med. work re “A Division of Responsibility” 8T 231-4
       August: letter from, to old-time friend re plans for writing books on lives of Solomon and Paul LS 434
       Aug. 20: Test. written by, re Sunday-labor question at Australian school 9T 236-8
       —: Test. written by, re building of SDA med. institutions 7T 107
       September: Test. written by, to believers at camp meeting in Los Angeles, Calif., re view of sanitarium in southern Calif. on beautiful grounds (Loma Linda) LS 405
       September: Test. written by, re state of things in Battle Creek 8T 227-30
       Oct. 30: Test. written by, at St. Helena, Calif., to med. missionaries re “A Broader View” 8T 201
       Oct. 30: Test. written by, to med. missionaries re “Christ Our Example” 8T 206-12
       Nov. 17: Test. written by, at St. Helena, Calif., re “Leadership” 8T 236-8
       —: at age of 75 did as much writing as ever, digestion was good, and brain was clear CD 490
       —: diet of CD 490-1
    1904, Feb. 15: Test. written by, re destruction of lofty and supposedly fireproof buildings LS 413-4
       [Apr. 30]: spent several months at Washington, D.C. LS 396-7