EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (visions of)   [433]
       Apr. 1: re plans for gospel work in large cities LS 208;7T 34;
       — re deficiencies of ministers 3T 459
       —: re God’s work in California 3T 434
       —: re signing of temperance pledge Te 200-2
    1875, Jan. 3 4T 271
       Jan. 3: re duty of God’s people not to relax watchfulness for one moment 3T 570
       Jan. [3]: re failure of Brn. M to grow in spirituality 4T 118
       Jan. 3: re failure to realize perils attending God’s people at every step 3T 560
       Jan. 3: re great work to be done for God’s people in California 4T 227
       Jan. [3]: re hindrances to spiritual prosperity of church 4T 247
       Jan. 3: re important work of pub. house, school, and Health Institute 3T 468
       Jan. 3: re printing of truth in Australia LS 283
       Jan. 3: re pub. house at Basel, Switz. LS 282
       Jan. 3: re wide diversity in dress reform that was injury to cause of truth 4T 637
       Sept. 12: re distribution of SDA literature CH 465-6;LS 216-7;
    [1876], —: re beehives of industry in God’s work WM 112
    1878, June: re many things concerning which silence was enjoined upon her 4T 291
       [June]: impressed vividly re extent of of God’s work—while speaking in Oregon LS 232;4T 291;
       [June]: re JW healthy and happy in meeting at Battle Creek church LS 232
       [June or July]: re state of things in Battle Creek church, Battle Creek College, Battle Creek Sanitarium, Review and Herald Publishing House, God’s work in Europe, England, Oregon, Texas, and in other new fields 4T 321