EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (visions of)   [433]
       [June or July]: re things unfavorable to prosperity of cause of truth in Texas 4T 321
       [June or July]: re young churches of New England Conf. in danger of blighting influence of false sanctification LS 237;4T 299;
       [July]: re remarkable manifestation of God’s power 4T 291
       [Oct. 9]: re danger of God’s people becoming assimilated to world 4T 306
       [Oct. 9]: re many things LS 238;4T 302;
       Oct. 9: re position that Battle Creek Sanitarium should occupy 4T 545
       Oct. 9: re gospel work in northern Europe Ev 419
    1879, Oct. 23: re coming judgment LS 241;4T 384;
       Oct. 23: impressive Test. given to, re Battle Creek church 5T 63
       Oct. 23: re JW, commending his fidelity LS 242-3
       Nov. 23: re SDA institutions and leading men in them MM 35;4T 537;
       —: given view of rooms in pub. house 4T 453
       —: re deplorable condition of God’s cause in Iowa 4T 430
       —: re need of college for training SDA youth 4T 419
    1880, —: re security of God’s people in this time of peril LS 324;TM 465;
5. From 1881 to 1890
    1881, [September]: re God’s people in Michigan 2SM 26-7;5T 62, 63-7;
       [winter]: re conversations in homes in Battle Creek 5T 68
       winter: re words said in councils at Battle Creek 5T 68
       —: re rise and progress of cause of present truth 4T 591