EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

White, Ellen G. (visions of)   [433]
8. Of approximate dating
    circa 1848: given view of other worlds EW 39-40
    circa 1848: re world with seven moons EW 40
    circa 1854: re train of cars traveling with lightning speed EW 88, 263
    circa 1868: re Nathan Fuller’s licentiousness 2T 439, 449;5T 138;
    circa 1868: re three men guilty of immorality 5T 138
    circa 1869: re Bro. O’s spiritual danger 2T 687
    circa 1875: re man with unruly temper 4T 93
    circa 1875: re Bro. N’s defects of character and self-exaltation 4T 125
    circa 1875: re woman whose trials at home were caused by her freedom of speech 4T 134
    circa 1876: re things past, present, and future 4T 371
    circa 1879: re sad spiritual condition of Battle Creek Sanitarium CH 412
    circa 1882: re dwellings erected in Battle Creek 5T 188
    circa 1885: re worldly-mindedness of Bro. and Sr. P 5T 430
    circa 1888: re believers in Oakland, Calif. 5T 532
    circa 1888: re Sr. C and her wayward daughter 5T 505
    circa 1888: re spiritual condition of Bro. and Sr. B and their being ashamed of their SDA affiliations 5T 501
    circa 1900: re company of SDA advising SDA to hide their banner in their institutions 6T 144
    circa 1900: re One speaking to brethren in meeting 6T 56-7
    circa 1900: re workmen about to leave building unfinished 6T 72