EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wife, Wives   [486]
    can be as anchor to husband 2T 495
    can remove difficulties that husbands cannot Ev 491
    cannot make home agreeable and happy unless she loves order 2T 298-9
    children and, should not be left destitute by husband’s will 4T 482
    Christ’s claims upon, is higher than husband’s AH 116
    company of, husband should love 2T 416
    conduct of, toward husband AH 94
    confidence and familiarity in, husband should encourage 2T 298, 305
    conscience for, husband who tried to be 2T 379
    conscience of: must be her guide 3T 245
       should be respected AH 116
       should not be yielded to overbearing and tyrannical husband 2T 100
    death of, husband who murmurs at God’s providence because of 3T 527
    deficiencies of, that tend to wean away husband’s affections 2T 298
    degrading of, by gratification of husband’s lustful passion 2T 474
    deserves praise for love and devotion to family 4T 255
    devoted, home is not prison to AH 236
    dignity and self-respect of, husband should help preserve 2T 305
    does herself and family serious wrong when she does her work and theirs too 5T 180
    double responsibility of, to backslidden husband AH 350