EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wife, Wives   [486]
    dress of 1T 464-5
    duty(s) of: many young women marry unprepared for MH 302
       to her Saviour 5T 362
       to husband controlled by base passions 2T 475-6
       to husband inclined to sexual excess 2T 475-6
       to husband who has hasty spirit 2T 430
       to yield her wishes and will to husband 1T 307
       when husband comes home from work 1T 307
       when husband sometimes seems unreasonable 1T 309
    effects of multiplicity of home cares upon 2SM 431
    equal to husband in every respect 4T 36-7
    exchange of, by fanatics 2SM 28
    failings of 1T 307-8
    father should make life of, pleasant and happy AH 213-4
    feelings of, husband should respect 2T 418
       husband who treated with contempt 2T 260
    fine and tender sensibilities of many, outraged by husbands 2T 381
    frequently is a housekeeper, nurse, cook, and housemaid all in one AH 224
    God never designed, to be slave to family 5T 180
    God points, to her duty at home AH 245