EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wine   [219]
    Israelites’ use of, was one cause of captivity Te 52-3
    leads to highway of drunkenness Te 93, 163, 278
    legislators should not drink Te 289
    let not one drop of, pass your lips Te 198
    liquor habit is established by use of MH 332
    love for, how to overcome 5T 510
    many church members drink Te 165
    men are responsible for acts committed while under influence of Te 44
    men in public office warned not to drink Te 46-7
    men who use, cannot reason soundly and nobly 3BC 1139
    millions of dollars spent for Te 30
    moderate use of, leads into highway to drunkenness Te 96, 163
    moderate use of so-called harmless, guard against little openings made by 5T 360
    Nadab and Abihu led to sin and death by CH 366;FE 427-8;PP 361;4aSG 12, 124-5;2SM 412;3T 295;Te 43-4, 92, 288;
    never take CD 420-1
       to quench thirst CH 120
    not fit symbol of Christ’s blood Te 97-8
    not safe to have, in house Te 92, 277
    one glass of, may lead to habits of drunkenness 4T 578
    one of so-called milder drinks 5T 356