EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wine   [219]
    person who tarries at, plays game of life with Satan Te 38
    persons with inherited appetite for unnatural stimulants should leave, alone MH 331
    pledge entire abstinence from Te 198
    pregnant woman should not use MH 373
    priests of Israel forbidden to drink FE 428;PP 362;Te 280;
    princes and statesmen drank, like water at Belshazzar’s feast PK 523
    prohibited to all persons in God’s service 4BC 1167
    put to wrong use and proving temptation and curse 5T 356
    results of, in feast for Queen Vashti 3BC 1139
    rulers and judges warned not to drink Te 53
    rulers and officers unfitted by, for their duties 3BC 1165
    sanitariums should teach people to discard and refuse CD 281;Te 88-9;
    some people are never really drunk but always under influence of 5T 357
    sparkling, and flashing lights DA 221
    spices lead to use of Te 57
    stanch temperance men delivered from use of LS 222
    stimulating foods and drinks prepare way for use of 3T 487-8
    temptation to use, resist FE 428
    that turns into bitterness DA 148
    tobacco using leads to use of Te 58