EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Wisdom all, at man’s command MH 514    [266]
to Christ and not OHC 362.4
       willingness to renounce OHC 155.5
       working out your salvation means distrust of OHC 91.2
       of God need to learn UL 95.6
       of God’s appointment receive, from Him UL 181.5
    pleasantness in ways of RY 154.4
    power through prayer brings HP 75.6
    praise over blessings tempts to display TDG 193.2
    prayer for,
       to manage affairs TDG 42.5;TMK 232.4;
       to reach lost souls TMK 158.4
       trust God and His readiness to answer TDG 82.3
    precious, fear of God is 1MCP 358.3
    pride of, glorifies self LHU 54.3
    promise of, UL 281.4
       claimed to become channel of God’s love HP 67.3
       coldness and inefficiency, unnecessary TDG 213.3
       on condition UL 56.5
       to those doing God’s service UL 243.3