EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Woman, Women   [503]
    created equal to man PP 46;3T 484;
    creation of PP 46
       God’s purpose in AH 99
       See also Eve
    difficulties can be removed by, that men cannot meet Ev 491
    diseases of: improper dress causes 2SM 473
       sanitariums need more women who can deal with 9T 176
       trained women physicians should deal with CH 365
    distinctive duties of, are more sacred than man’s AH 231;FE 141;3T 565;
    do not always follow dictates of reason 2SM 422
    do not treat, like beasts of burden AH 114
    do not value, by amount of work they can do AH 114
    does not know her power 4T 642
    doing housework faithfully never degrades 3T 80
    Dorcas as example for AA 131-2
    dress of See Clothing
    duty of, re little ornaments and trinkets Ev 480
    duties of, more important than king’s 3T 483
    each: has work to do for Christ Ev 473
       should be treated kindly and courteously CH 315