EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
lingeringly holding his hand, minister’s duty to
5T 598
lovesick and sentimental
2T 302
loving to dictate more than to perform
3T 79
making, does not require frail, helpless, overdressed, simpering thing
3T 152
making themselves fools
2T 463
many, may become successful gospel workers
Ev 466
who saw Christ die perished in destruction of Jerusalem
DA 743
many supposedly well-educated, shamefully ignorant of practical duties of life
FE 75
married: engaged in gospel work should receive wages
Ev 491
gospel workers should not encourage wrong thoughts in
5T 595
ministers warned against familiarity with
GW 125
necessary reserve not often maintained by
AH 331
opening family secrets to another man
5T 596
middle-aged, have part to do in God’s work
WM 157
may act part in closing work for this time
Ev 468
missionary, gain access to people more readily by ministering to the sick
CH 389;MH 145-6;