EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Word of God, Words of God   [2150]
    direct instructions of, human reasoning seeks to evade or set aside MYP 354
    directs minds to Creator 5T 699
    disposition to accept theories and traditions of men instead of GC 144
    dissecting, many religious leaders busy themselves with DA 258
       warning against 7BC 919-20
    distasteful to readers of fascinating stories 1T 504
    divine origin of, attested by results that follow faithful preaching of it GC 461
    do not doubt, because you cannot understand all mysteries of His providence Ed 170;SC 106-7;5T 699;
    do not give forced meaning to 5BC 1089
    do not interpret by opinions of “fathers” FE 308
    do not judge, by human standard 5T 301
    do not lay aside, for any other book 2SG 264
    do not pervert, to suit your convenience FE 127
    do not present, as suppose-so or may-be COL 43
    do not put forced and mystical construction upon 7BC 920;Ev 213;
    do not read, in light of your own doctrines CW 36
    do not study, to confirm your own ideas TM 467
    do not test, by science falsely so called GC 522
    does not render needless the Spirit’s continued presence and guidance GC 7
    does not tread as with soft and slippered feet 5BC 1147