EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Word of God, Words of God
gospel worker may have special power to explain, with clearness
9T 144
gospel worker should test his qualifications by
TM 259
grand and holy themes of, searchers have not exhausted
COL 133-4
grand truths in, worthy of study
MM 102
grandest and most elevated principles revealed by
MYP 27
grandeur and mystery of themes in, should inspire faith in it
SC 107;5T 700;
great principles in, sufficient to guide us
3T 523
great simplifier of life’s complicated pursuits
5T 86
great treasure house of inspired truth
GC 193
guidance by, erroneous idea that men have no need of
GC 7
guidebook of God’s people is
FE 384
handle, under Spirit’s direction
1SM 158
hands in which, loses its regenerating powers
DA 258
has: attractive life-giving power
DA 142
healing and soothing power
GW 163
has been hidden under bushel
Ev 458