EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Word of God, Words of God   [2150]
       sure 1SM 148;5T 625;
       sure foundation MB 148
       sure guide FE 94;SD 211;
       treasure house CT 421-6
       true philosophy CT 433;Ev 474;
       true science CT 433;Ev 474;
       truth and light FE 307
       truth and verity 4T 307
       unerring counselor FE 100
       unerring standard Ev 256
       voice of God to man CT 372
       word of infinite power 1SM 328
    is like: character of its divine Author 5T 699
       treasure house FE 123
       two-edged sword SR 343
    is our: guide 3BC 1146;3T 378;
       only foundation MM 87
       standard 5T 133
    is shield against: deception GC 465
       Satan’s power MYP 61