EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Word of God, Words of God   [2150]
    man is enabled to receive and practice, by exercise of faith FE 341
    man is to live by DA 121-2
    man’s assertions contrary to, must not be regarded as truth CT 444
    man’s duty to God and fellow man is distinctly specified in 5T 665
    man’s perversion of, things chargeable to SC 108-9
    men are to be judged by EW 78
    men have communion with Him by means of ML 107
    men hear, but do not understand it COL 44
    men may trust in, without question or doubt 2SM 242
    men venturing to criticize, venture on holy ground 1SM 23
    many people do not hesitate to sneer at PK 185
    many people handle, deceitfully 1T 338
       irreverently Ev 592
    many people study, to discover something odd or original GC 520
    many professed Christians do not more than half believe CSW 37
    meaning of: hidden, mental effort and prayerful attention needed to discover FE 169
       perverted by time setters 4T 307
       Spirit enlightens hearts re COL 36
       why many people can only partially grasp GC 345
    means by which He speaks to man 5T 46