EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Word of God, Words of God
persons criticizing, warning to
1SM 17
persons making, their textbook may be called narrow in their ideas
CW 122
persons pronouncing judgment on, warning to
1SM 23
persons searching, angels are by side of
CSW 22
persons studying, should keep mind clear
TM 114
should not indulge perverted appetite
TM 114
persons who trusted in, notable examples of
Ed 254
perusal of: enlarges mind
MM 88
strengthens understanding
MM 88
youth cannot possess correct religious principles unless they enjoy
2T 410
youth cannot possess healthy tone of mind unless they enjoy
2T 410
placed in questionable or objectionable light in schoolbooks
FE 328
plain and powerful in its simplicity
2T 694
plain on every point essential to soul’s salvation
5T 706
plain statements of, urge upon every man’s conscience
5T 388
plain to all who study it with prayer
GC 521