EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Word of God, Words of God   [2150]
       first work TMK 327.3
       for full meaning OHC 205.2
       for instruction UL 87.3
       for meaning UL 52.5
       for ourselves to find strength to stand TDG 320.6
       individually to understand redemption TMK 206.4
       instead of,
church fathers UL 52.2
spending time on stories OHC 202.5
       keep Christ crucified in mind while TMK 208.2
       learn of Christ’s life and works from RC 138.2
       mistake discerned by, and by Holy Spirit TMK 239.4
       not desired by those who love error TDG 221.2
       prayerfully is first work TDG 85.5
       prepares us to receive light OHC 315.5
       required in meeting the divine standard TMK 77.2
       reveals truth hidden from careless seekers OHC 205.2
       shows us our relation to Christ RC 318.3
       to avoid deception UL 316.5
       to communicate truth; talents are trusts TDG 200.6