EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
ill effects of, on children
CH 159
indolence is worse for children than
2T 349
injuring health by, is forbidden by God’s law
PP 308
it is not your duty to subject yourself to
Te 139
laws of man’s being are violated by
1T 476-7
makes worker fractious and impatient
MM 294
man who was given to, to get all means possible
1T 697
may be necessary at times
Te 139
mental energies are enfeebled by
1T 487-8
mental or physical, unbalances nervous system
COL 346
mental powers are ill-affected by
CH 99
moral energies are enfeebled by
1T 487-8
nervous system unbalanced by
CH 41
not to be done to advance God’s cause
7T 298
nursing mother’s blood heated by
CD 228
overeating has worse effect than, on system
2T 412