EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Work/Labor   [1051]
    faithfulness in, LHU 38.4
       as accountable to God TDG 78.4
       as in sight of heaven TMK 89.4, 157.1
       whatever it is LHU 346.6
    fidelity in, rather than its greatness approved by Christ HP 325.5
    fields where, is hard, to be remembered TDG 107.2
    fight of faith requires; help is available FW 48.1;NL 35.2;
    final, workers reveal Christ in, under Spirit’s control RC 219.4
       for our own hearts TDG 48.6
       possessing Christ TMK 94.5
    fitness for, some accept responsibility without HP 228.4
    follow Christ’s plan of UL 91.6
    food (spiritual) requires, as does physical FW 49.2;NL 37.0;
    fruit produced by UL 112.2
       as a blessing TDG 133.2
       responsibility for TDG 222.2
       to every member of household of faith TMK 62.4
       trust required to do UL 130.5