EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Work/Labor   [1051]
    done for God, love with which it is done determines worth of 5T 279
       motive underlying action determines worth of 5T 279
    earnest: live twofold life of silent prayer and MH 512;4T 459;
       requires persevering energy and strict economy CS 201
       silent prayer should accompany 4T 459
    earnest and personal, salvation of sinners requires 9T 117
    earnest and wholehearted, alone avails in saving of souls CM 77
    educational See educational work
    essential, there is honor in any FE 315
    faithful, more acceptable to God than most zealous and thought-to-be holiest worship 2T 24
    first, consecration to God in morning should be your SC 70
    for Christ, everyone has been given AH 245
    for God: is to be done on earth as surely as there is place prepared for us in heaven COL 327
       it does not rest with men to choose their COL 364;SD 89;
       what determines worth of 5T 279
    for God and His cause, must not be done on a mercenary basis 7T 208
    for God in business life requires more grace than does labor as missionaries CT 279
    for good of others, Christ in heart leads to SC 77-8
    for others, God has appointed everyone to do PK 222
    given them by God, many people not satisfied with SD 97