EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Work/Labor   [1051]
    given to man to do, God does not propose to do 4T 405
    glorious, on which heaven smiles 2T 24
    God does not ask men to do His, in their own strength 8T 19
    good See Works
    good hard, firm sinews and muscles made by CG 124
    God’s: can never be finished till church membership rallies to it 9T 117
       human power did not establish and cannot destroy 7T 170
       natural impossibilities cannot prevent DA 535
    gospel See Gospel work
    great, no excellence without Te 210
    greatest: in which men can engage is to point sinners to Christ GW 18
       is to glorify God by living Christ’s character 6T 439
       to which people can aspire is to win men from sin to holiness MH 398
    halfhearted and halfway, God cannot approve CSW 31
    halfway, God accepts no FE 301
    haphazard, certain to bring failure FE 302
       church is injured by FE 255
    hard: God’s ordained plan in life’s economy 5T 181
       man who was at variance with 2T 411
       man’s portion if he ever enters Paradise 2SM 166