EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Work of God advancement of, it becomes us to use all our capabilities and gifts for 9T 227    [165]
    means could be saved for advancing, by acts of self-denial 9T 157
    means greatly needed to carry on, device of enemy to consume or tie up CS 243
    money in God’s treasury is to be used in building up, all over world GW 454-6
    motives which prompt action give character to 4T 377
    much haphazard work has been done in 6T 337
    must be free from everything like impurity and uncleanness 2T 612
    must not be: continually embarrassed with debt 7T 206
       divided work MM 237
    must not stop for a want of means CS 40
    narrowing down, danger of GW 382
    needs of, each believer should do his part in supplying CS 114
    neither wicked men nor devils can hinder MYP 133
    never take action to narrow and circumscribe, unless Spirit moves you to do so TM 299-300
    no haphazard work should be done in TM 319
    no liberty is given to bring commonness into 9T 264
    no man can succeed in, who opposes light of health reform CH 562
    object of, in world is man’s redemption DA 285
    obstacles to advancement of, will appear 8T 10
    offerings made to carry forward, self-denying efforts needed to increase 9T 55
    only way in which, can be brought to perfection 7T 298