EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Works   [422]
    of Christ, Christians must work 4T 290
    of faith, spiritual prosperity is proportionate to 4T 234-5
    of faith and obedience, God requires GC 316
    of love and compassion, hands active in DA 612
    of mercy and benevolence may be done on the Sabbath WM 77
    of righteousness, profession amounts to nothing without COL 313
       we are enabled by faith to do DA 98
    of the law, John the Baptist’s disciples hoped to be justified by DA 276
    perfumed by Christ’s tenderness and love 7BC 909
    persons having no, will not be saved by faith 2T 657
    Peter’s question re, answer to CS 340-1
    principle that man can save himself by his own, lay at foundation of every heathen religion DA 35
       was made principle of Jewish religion DA 35-6
    rabbis hoped to gain reward of the righteous by COL 390
    religion does not consist in, but it works 7BC 935;SD 271;
    reward will be proportionate to COL 331
    rewards will be distributed to all according to their 3T 247
    righteousness of Christ includes ML 217
    Roman Catholics are taught to secure God’s favor by GC 55-6, 72-3, 123
    salvation and, relationship between 6BC 1071;6T 372;