EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Works   [422]
    incense of, should ascend to heaven CS 223
    influence of, more powerful than that of words 2T 443;WM 298;
    inward piety must shine forth in 5T 571
    justification by, Pharisees believed in AA 119
    life rich in, in Christ’s strength we can live 7T 225
    like Cain’s offering 1SM 382
    love flows out naturally to others in 4T 224
    made acceptable by Christ’s merit 5BC 1122
    maintain 2SM 20
       in faith before God 2T 72
    man cannot be saved without 1SM 377;3T 526;4T 228;
    many acts passing for, wrong motives prompt 2T 512
    many people making high profession of faith are deficient in 2T 657
    merit of, Christians are not to be strong in 7BC 907
    mind must be trained to 2T 238
    most effectual preaching that unbeliever receives 2SG 235
    must go hand in hand with faith in relieving the sick 1T 561
    Nicodemus prided himself on his DA 171
    no person can do, apart from Christ 1SM 373
    not a means of justification 6BC 1071