EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
    habits of, God desires to separate His people from MM 187
    hard, unfeeling, and uncharitable CT 267
    hardened in unbelief and rebellion, Jerusalem as symbol of GC 22
    has no part with believers in God’s work TM 269
    has right to look for self-denial and self-sacrifice from professed Christians 7T 201
    how gospel can be speedily carried to all MB 43
    in opposition to church 5T 287
    influence of, Christians too often yield to PP 559
       church members nearly chilled by 2T 126
    inhabitants of, have nearly filled up measure of their iniquity 5T 144
    instrument that sifts church 6BC 1102
    is land of strangers and enemies to Christian 5T 104
    judges Christians by what they appear to be 6T 397
    keep distinct from CH 290;FE 501;PK 59;1T 663;
    keep separate from CH 290;FE 501;PK 59;
    lax principles of, continually resist MM 219
    light of, Christian experience is to be 5T 113
    light of heaven was to be received by, through Israel PP 314
    living merely for this Te 110
    love of things of, must be overcome 2T 679