EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

World, Worlds   [956]
    parents who permit children to be like 1T 156
    person with divine love in soul cannot be like 2T 169
    plans of, it is easy to drift into 6T 150
    pollution of, persons whose hands are stained with 1T 531
    practical separation from, is condition of acceptance with God CH 51
    practices of: God’s people must separate from MM 187;SD 133;
       great and good men have erred in following PP 668
       need of decided separation from 6T 146
       not SDA standard 6T 142-3
       remain separate from CW 101
       windows of heaven closed by conformity to 5T 206
    principles of, Christians too often conform to PP 559
    principles of dishonesty and injustice govern FE 476
    privilege of claiming special favors of, God’s people do not have 1T 286
    professed Christians who constantly lean toward CT 328;5T 114;
    rapidly becoming like Sodom and Gomorrah TM 457
    remedy for ills of, does not lie in merely human and external measures DA 509
       must reach men individually and regenerate their hearts DA 509
    rich young ruler’s god COL 392
    ripening for destruction 1T 287