wanted by restless and dissatisfied of
HP 244.3
unites Christians in spirit with
Con 65.1
antediluvian, See also Antediluvians; Flood
applause of, See World, honor of
approval of, never makes unjust action just
TDG 343.4
assimilation of church with, unless distinction preserved
2MCP 559.3
attachment to, dislodged only by Omnipotence
OHC 285.3
attractions/interests of,
decrease in, increases affections above
OHC 327.4
lost to those having a relation with God
HP 95.5
not concern but rather heavenly treasure
TMK 222.4
profitless compared with eternal realities
TMK 357.4
tame for believer who receives truth
TMK 158.3
See also World, interest in